Sunday: 10AM Worship
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Confidential Prayer Request

Do you need someone to pray for you?

No matter what you're going through—be it a challenge, a crisis, or a joyous occasion—we're here to support you with heartfelt prayers. 

Our Senior Pastor, Rev. Dr. Debbie Daley-Salinger, genuinely cares about you and your spiritual journey. She's ready to pray for you personally, guiding you to strengthen your faith and overcome any hurdles.

To reach out, simply complete the brief form below and click 'send.' Rest assured, your request will be handled with the utmost confidentiality, seen only by our Senior Pastor. If you'd like, we can also share your prayer with our dedicated Prayer Warriors, a community of believers who will join their hearts in prayer for you. To request this, please include 'SEND TO PRAYER WARRIORS' in your message.

Thank you for entrusting us with your prayer requests. We hope you experience God's comforting presence and peace in your life.